Canvassing opinion on an issue.

mingw android at
Sat Jun 18 14:44:18 CEST 2011

Hi everyone.

Some of us spoke about this briefly at the QCS Necessitas day, but I'm
still undecided about what is the best way to go.

Currently, on the Windows version, Clean Project (and a few other
things) do not work because we include include(../common/linux.conf)
in android-g++/mkspecs.conf and that has lines like:
QMAKE_COPY            = cp -f
...etc, and without a minGW environment, these programs won't exist.

So there's 3 ways I can go:

1. Put switching logic (as suggested by Espen, as per the symbian
port) into the android-g++/mkspecs.conf so that it loads a different
file on Windows, something like:

contains(QMAKE_HOST.os,Windows) {
} else {

that then defines those qmake vars to use the standard cmd.exe versions:
QMAKE_COPY		= copy /y
QMAKE_CHK_DIR_EXISTS	= if not exist

2. I bite the bullet and compile all of the needed programs, like I do
for make.exe already.

3. Install a full MinGW environment at install time as QtCreator mainline does.

I'm leaning towards 3 myself.



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