Support for extra libraries in APK in Android QT Creator -- Merge request

Frameworks frameworks at
Fri Jun 17 08:27:39 CEST 2011


Yes, I though about those lines... I left them there just to indicate 
where my code started and ended.... I did not know that git could do 
that out of the box! I already removed them from my local git.

On assets... I was giving it a bit of thought last night... Will send 
you an email today.


On 06/17/2011 02:05 AM, BogDan wrote:
> Hi Carlos,
>    Thank you  for your effort !
>    I'll finish the review of your code next week, I took a quick look to your merger request and I've seen
> small things that you must change, all " // By Carlos Quiros" comments must go away,
> Nokia will not accept such things inside the source code, if you want to put your name there
> please use the header (license) section of the file.
>    Assets support, and the deployment handling task currently is assigned to me, I don't
> want to do double work here, so we should start a discussion on this topic, I'd like to know how did
> you thought to implement this feature ?
> Cheers,
> BogDan.
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Frameworks<frameworks at>
>> To: BogDan<bog_dan_ro at>;"necessitas-devel at"  <necessitas-devel at>
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 3:03 PM
>> Subject: Support for extra libraries in APK in Android QT Creator -- Merge request
>> Dear Bogdan,
>> I just send a merge request for the changes in creator that add support for
>> extra libraries in the APK. Here are the details:
>> Add in support for extra libraries.
>> This merge request mainly focuses on the modification to Android QT Creator to
>> include support for extra deploy libraries in the APK. As described in the
>> modified UI, “Extra libraries are other libraries that are required by this
>> application but not part of this project.”
>> The changes in Creator does not automatically affect current Necessitas
>> projects. If the user want to include an extra library Creator will ask to
>> upgrade it project to support it. The process of upgrading will:
>> 1. Check if its possible. Users will be able to upgrade if their version of
>> Android LightHouse supports extra libraries i.e., if the version of libs.xml in
>> LightHouse has the array name extra_libs.
>> 2. Upgrade the project's ibs.xml to add the array name extra_libs.
>> 3. Upgrade the projects manifest to include the resource of extra_libs.
>> 4. Copy the class files from LightHouse to the project (Industrius and mobile).
>> This because the version in LightHouse has the modifications to load the extra
>> libraries. All files are copied to be sure that previous class files in the
>> project does not conflict with current class files.
>> 5. Leave a backup of libs.xml, class files and the manifest in the project
>> directory. Those files will include “._old” in their extension
>> This set of changes also fixes two bugs in Creator:
>> 1- Checked bundled libraries get unchecked just before the APK is build. (Line
>> 133 in androidpackage creationstep.cpp)
>> 2- Bundled libraries have the format when it should be the
>> undecorated version of them e.g., Mylib (Line 904 in qt4androidtarget.cpp)
>> This merge request also comes with a merge of few changes in
>> qlands-AndroidLighthouse to support extra libraries in the apk.
>> Regards,
>> Carlos Quiros
>> PD
>> I am also working on assets support in Creator and the necessary changes in QT
>> using JNI. I could send you something very soon if you fancy.

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