multiple repaints only flushImage only once

Niko Sams niko.sams at
Sun Jul 24 19:45:51 CEST 2011


> You can call qApp->processEvents() during animation to make sure the paint event loop
> will send its paint commands.
Finally I had some time to play around with this again. Adding
processEvents at various places
before/after painting made things better (more repaints shown), but not perfect.
Afaics the reason is that while pinching (zooming) input events keep
coming, so the event loop
doesn't come to the state where timers are triggered.

Removing the timer in fb_base.cpp apparently fixes the problem.

However then another issue comes up; somehow GestureEvents queue up,
and sometimes
still get processed two seconds after getting fingers off the
touchscreen. I think there should
only be one GestureUpdated gesture in the queue if the application
can't process them fast enough.
Any idea how to fix this?


PS: code is here:
git:// android branch

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