Qt Complex 2.0 plugin

Enrico Miglino enrico.miglino at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 12:59:13 UTC 2011

Hi BogDan!

How are you and the guys of necessitas development staff ? I am closing the
final tests for Qt Complex 2.0 "traditiona" (the version that can be
downloaded as a framework integration.

In the meantime, I have done the following preparing for plugin integration:

   - Starting conversion os the Doxygen doc to qdoc
   - Studying the plugin creation methods for Qt Creator
   - Finalizing Qt Complex 2.0 test, based on real projects
   - Preparing a set of scriptlets and exmples that should be included in
   the plugin documentation
   - Preparing some templates for the most complex components of the
   - Prepared a Qt Copmlex 2.0 repository specific for plugin hosting on

At this point, if you remember the last thing was that we had to start a
discussion on the choices with the necessitas development team. Then, I
asked you to introduce the project, but I haven't see nothing yet. My
question is if this is already interesting as an integration element.
Anyway, I can start announcing the release candidate release of Qt Complex
framework (as is at the actual date, not the plugin) to the Qt-Developers
Android community. I see that many times they ask for questions that are
already solved.

The second thing I can do is starting to add Qt Complex pages mainly
describing the practical usage of the framework in various cases on the
necessitas wiki.

So please let me know what is the immediate future of this project you aim.

Thank you very much.

Cheers, Enrico
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