[Marble-devel] marblewidget

Konrad Enzensberger e.konrad at mpegcode.com
Fri Sep 28 08:48:47 UTC 2012


i wrote a runner plugin to be able to import MapInfo Tab files.
After finished i was wandering why some tab files are imported, others not.

The problem was simple:
like other plugins i set:

QStringList TabImportPlugin::fileExtensions() const
    return QStringList() << "tab";

But if file extension is upper case (test.TAB), it failes to load
    QString const suffix = fileInfo.suffix();

So i made a smal modifikation to:
QString const suffix = fileInfo.suffix().toLower();    //respect upper case extension

But if file Mabe some one like to add this to master repositiory.

Other question:
In ElevationProfile plugin i am not clear about what are the values: m_gain and m_loss are exactly for?
What are they describing?

Last question:
The hillshading tiles are set as texture in openstreetmap.dgml .
We are creating special shading tiles during runtime, is it possible to
add such texture layer during runtime?

br, konrad
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