[Marble-devel] New website content for marble.kde.org

Amit Chaudhuri amit.k.chaudhuri at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 15:05:29 UTC 2012

Hi Dennis,

I cleared my old build out and started from scratch.  I hadn't realised
that Kathryn Geilman's patch has been included in the current stable git
release.  OS X build works much better including install.

The only changes I had to make were:

   1. change one line of CMakeLists.txt to set architecture to match my
   version of Qt (x86_64 instead of i386)
   2. sudo make install (docs don't mention sudo)

I have the following screenshots ready to send - but this area scrubs
attachments, right?

   1. Atlas view (Europe showing legend)
   2. Satellite view (60W to 150E with clouds & floating items e.g. compass)
   3. OSM with route details (pedestrian with compass & scale bar)
   4. Different version of satellie view showing (I think) Hurricane Sandy
   5. Kml file showing key submarine cables running through Indian &
   Pacific oceans (data from LGPL3 source - modified by self)

All are png of uniform size just under 900 x 600.

Do you want me to email (3.5M) or post somewhere?

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