[Marble-devel] Create path / create polygon utility

Konrad Enzensberger e.konrad at mpegcode.com
Fri Aug 31 07:59:28 UTC 2012


investigate the routing classes: ..\marblerep\marble\src\lib\routing
the routing track can be saved as kml,

br, knrad
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Amit Chaudhuri 
  To: marble-devel at kde.org 
  Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 9:53 AM
  Subject: [Marble-devel] Create path / create polygon utility


  I want to create paths and polygons as kml files for sharing from within a MarbleWidget application.  I need to control colour and transparency (and other kml attributes) to a level that I've not seen in GE for example.  The creation process wants to be as simple as clicking and scrolling.  I'm considering a LayerInterface sub-class as the basis for implementation.  Before starting I wanted to check to see if some or all of the likely functionality exists.  For example, I'm sure I've seen reference to being able to save an elevation profile to a file (but can't recall where).




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