[Marble-devel] MarbleWidget without MarbleWidgetPopupMenu

Tom Grope tom.grope at st.ovgu.de
Sun Sep 18 18:42:58 UTC 2011

Hey there,

I look out for the PopupMenu of the MarbleWidget, but I cant access the class.

I compared the marblewidget-class from the repository with the the  
offical documentation  
(http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdeedu-apidocs/marble/html/MarbleWidget_8h_source.html) ... and there are  

The marblewidget from the repository (get it via git clone -b  
marble-1.1 git://anongit.kde.org/marble) does not contain the  
MarbleWidgetPopupMenu. Why?

Is that the reason I can't access the popupmenu in code or the designer?
For my own application I want to customize/rebuild the contextmenu.
Also i dont understand why I cant access a boundingbox/rec of the  
actual shown map. Is there a solution?

I'm glad for any advice.


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