[Marble-devel] Review Request: Elevation Profile Plugin

Torsten Rahn tackat at t-online.de
Tue Sep 13 12:54:45 UTC 2011

Well usually North (or South) is always kept upwards during drag and drop. 

This is done because this is a kind of standard in map making and because it 
avoids that the user gets lost. 

Still I'm very much in favor of allowing for having a different direction up 
in case of routing and for special use cases / power users.

There are a few good solutions to this (and I like them all):

* There has been a "Drag location" combobox  in our Settings Dialog on the 
Navigation tab. This combobox has been there since almost ever and has been 
disabled due to the lack of other implementations. It defaults to  "Keep 
Planet Axis Vertically" which describes the current behavior (and which I 
think is the best default).

A different mode (like the Google Earth navigation) would let the dragged 
Geolocation follow the mousepointer exactly up to the pixel. Due to 
mathematical implications this would automatically force that the upwards 
direction would change. 

* In Google Earth the compass displayed on the upper right can be rotated via 
drag and drop. This changes the direction that is displayed upwards.

* We could add a checkbox to the routing settings tab that would adjust the 
map rotation according to the driving direction.


On Tuesday, 13. September 2011 13:20:52 Bernhard Beschow wrote:
> On Freitag, 9. September 2011 12:05:03 Konrad Enzensberger wrote:
> Hi Konrad,
> > Quaternion code:
> > In routing gudiance mode i like to have the driving direction always
> > upwards. Thorsten mentioned to use third parameter in
> > Quaternion:fromEuler(...) methode.
> > But i am failed to calculate the right value.
> > Is there a parameter description avaliable ?
> > Have i to calculate an angle in degree? or radians?
> I'm currently investigating rotation in Marble [1]. Rotation in spherical
> projection works pretty nice already, whereas the flat projections still
> need work. Besides making the flat projections rotation-aware, I'm still
> investigating on how to eliminate singularity issues for the flat maps,
> which cause the map to be centered at lon=0° when the map is moved to 90°
> north or south.
> Moreover, I'm also not sure how manual rotation should be triggered. In my
> branch, I changed the RMB context menu to appear when the right mouse
> button is released, such that rotation is possible as long as it is
> pressed. Any suggestions, also from the other Marbleheads, are very
> welcome!
> Greetings,
> Bernhard
> [1] https://github.com/shentok/marble/commits/rotation (I might do forced
> pushes once in a while) _______________________________________________
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