[Marble-devel] LGPL license

Konrad Enzensberger e.konrad at mpegcode.com
Thu Aug 18 10:01:15 UTC 2011

Hello dev team,

i like to use the marblewidget for a commercial development.
because of some reasons it is not possible to have this development
as opensource.

i hope you can answer me some questions regarding the lgpl license.

1. i need to add some special classes to the marblewidget code.
    Do i need to make this opensource ? ( i am afraid, this classes are not helpfull for others)

2. i need to develope own plugins, but it is not possible to make this plugins opensource.
    is this possible?

3. shipping my app along with own compiled marblewidget and the marble data stuff - 
    what i have to add to not validate the marble license ?

at last, one developement question:
for my development, i need to add several thousands objects to the map.
from what i can see on marblewidget code, currently you do not support QGraphicsScene/QGraphicsItem/QGraphicsView , right ?
Do you plan to add this in future ?

thanks for support, konrad
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