[Marble-devel] Re: TomTom voice conversion

Dennis Nienhüser earthwings at gentoo.org
Mon Apr 25 11:29:26 CEST 2011

Hi Georg,

Marble uses a set of .ogg files. You can create your own voice file: 
Create .ogg files
Straight.ogg, BearRight.ogg, TurnRight.ogg, SharpRight.ogg, UTurn.ogg, 
SharpLeft.ogg, TurnLeft.ogg, BearLeft.ogg, RbExit1.ogg, RbExit2.ogg, 
RbExit3.ogg containing the spoken turn instructions (or sounds or what 
else you like). Place them in a directory. The directory name determines 
the name of the voice presented to you in Marble.

Copy that directory to Marble's data dir in the audio/speakers 
subdirectory. On the N900 for a voice called MyVoice, that would be
/home/user/MyDocs/.local/share/marble/audio/speakers/MyVoice. You may 
have to create the audio and speakers subdirs.

Marble 1.2 might use additional files, probably After.ogg, Meters.ogg 
and a set of distances (50.ogg, 80.ogg, 100.ogg, 200.ogg, ..., 800.ogg).

If you send me a link to the TomTom voice file you tried to convert, I 
can look into why the web based conversion fails. I extended it a bit to 
detect errors. It'll give you a minimalistic script to do the conversion 
yourself in that case as well (attached). Call it like
bash convert.bash MyVoice.chk. The .chk file is from the TomTom voice 
files you downloaded (extract from .zip/.rar).

I'd be happy if someone could transfer these instructions into the 
userbase wiki, 


On 24.04.2011 21:03, Georg wrote:
> Hi all,
> I tried to convert the TomTom voices. 
> http://userbase.kde.org/Marble/CustomSpeakers
> But the web-based conversion tool 
> <http://nienhueser.de/marble/voices/> http://nienhueser.de/marble/voices/
> does not work. Which format does marble use?
> Thank you
> Georg
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