[Marble-devel] Re: Marble 1.1 released

Torsten Rahn tackat at t-online.de
Tue Apr 19 20:00:45 CEST 2011


On Tuesday, 19. April 2011 18:05:22 Raphael Kubo da Costa wrote:
> "Torsten Rahn" <tackat at t-online.de> writes:
> > * We suggest to take the translation files from KDE trunk/master.
> > * Documentation can be taken from Marble 1.0.
> Hi there,
> Are there any intentions of providing a tarball?

I can do this if it's needed / beneficial. However the best solution is to 
check out the version  in marble-1.1 branch (or the tagged 1.1 version).

Why would you want to have a tarball? :-)

> Will other releases
> outside the kdeedu release cycle happen in the future as well?

Marble 1.2 will be released together with KDE 4.7.

The Marble 1.1 release has its root in the fact that lots of new features have 
appeared during the freeze of Marble 1.0 and the Google Code-In already which 
didn't require changes to the library itself. One special reason was also the 
"create map wizard" which will hopefully soon boost the amount of maps 
available for Marble.

We hope that the release of Marble 1.1 will raise the quality of Marble 1.2 
even higher. 

We don't have plans yet for a Marble 1.3 release between KDE 4.7 and KDE 4.8.  
But we wouldn't totally exclude it either.

Why is this of interest for you? :-)

Best Regards,

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