[Marble-devel] [PATCH] LatLonBoxServerLayout

Bernhard Beschow bbeschow at cs.tu-berlin.de
Sat May 22 17:58:17 CEST 2010

Hi Marble devs,

it seems like the reviewboard has some trouble with uploading patches, so I just post it here.

Inspired by tackat's proposal for quick & dirty WMS [1] support, I've created a ServerLayout class which requests tiles based on a latidude/longitude box. Currently, it only supports pairs of EPSG:4326 coordinates (better known as GPS coordinates).

Since WMS parameters are passed in the query part of an URL, I added a query attribute to the downloadurl-tag. Due to some limitations, its value has to be web-encoded, which is probably a pitfall when creating a dgml file. If you find a better way, please let me know.

For an example dgml file, see [2]. You should at least zoom to level 5 and you should have Saxony focused. If you zoom in very deep, say 17-20, you will notice artifacts like warped lines etc. which are probably caused by rounding errors. If you know how to avoid them, please let me know as well.

Have fun!


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Map_Service
[2] http://www.gitorious.org/marble-restricted-maps/wms-maps/trees/master
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