[Marble-devel] compile issue of current svn

Andrew Manson g.real.ate at gmail.com
Fri May 15 10:06:50 CEST 2009

On Friday 15 May 2009 08:47:12 Arnd Baecker wrote:
> I am using Qt 4.4.1.
> Any hints welcome, best,

Hi Arnd

I am not sure about your specific problem but currently Marble requires Qt 4.5 
( even though it was able to compile with 4.4 for the longest time). 

If you have Qt 4.5 installed then you need to make sure that the path to the 
Qt Directory's bin folder comes first in your PATH system variable. 

How i have it set up, to give an example, is that i downloaded the Qt 4.5 SDK 
to /home/mansona/bin/qtsdk-2009.02 so i needed to call:

export PATH=/home/mansona/bin/qtsdk-2009.02/qt/bin:$PATH

where that folder is the folder in the SDK that has the program qmake. This 
process has to be done BEFORE you call cmake the first time, so make sure that 
you have the PATH set before calling cmake. 

Hope this helped, of course if that doesn't work I'm sure that someone around 
here can help you out!


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