[Marble-devel] Regarding addition of bookmark tag

gaurav gupta 1989.gaurav at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 31 16:23:23 CEST 2009

Hello folks,

I am planning to implement BookMark functionality in the marble. Initially
it was suggested to save it as a placemark and when visibility is false it
will work as Bookmark.

But my view about this is there is no reason to use placemark as a bookmark,
because both two are separate things and it will decrease understandability
of modules.

So what I am planning is something like :

1. Implement LookAt tag

with GeoDataLookAt class.

2. Implement BookMark tag

with GeoDataBookMark class to hold data.

3. All data which is there in GeoDataBookmark can be reused in
GeoDataPlacemark, so inheritance tree can be look like,

GeoDataObject <- GeoDataFeature <- GeoDataBookmark <- GeoDataPlacemark

and it will do an important task "Fixing Placemark to support

This was all about my though process, now I want to know your suggestions
about this. Please correct me if something is wrong.


B.Tech III Yr. , Department of Computer Science & Engineering
IT BHU , Varanasi
Phone No: +91-99569-49491

e-mail :
gaurav.gupta at acm.org
gaurav.gupta.cse06 at itbhu.ac.in
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