[Marble-devel] [Need Help] New Project Idea

gaurav gupta 1989.gaurav at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 17 17:37:17 CET 2009

Hello folks,

I am new to open source development and marble and going through Qt. I have
a project idea in my mind, but don,t have any idea how to start with it. So
I want help of you people. Basically I want to add some more features in

1. One can zoom in and zoom out to a particular location and can tag that
2. One can attach a txt, audio, video files related to that location like
past terrorist activities, wanted people, security information etc.
3. If someone is looking through the marble application than wherever some
information is attached there a specific mark should appear and
authenticated people can view and update them.
4. Some more features can be there like searching by attached information,
or time of attatchment etc.

Benefits :

   1. In real world all database is maintained in files as hard copies,
   causes overhead  of searching, data loss etc. which will be avoided.
   2. It will give graphical thinking to the defense people.
   3. It will be highly useful for defense people to keep track of all past
   activities done at specific location on specific time.

This was all about my thought process which i developed after attending the
workshop of Qt held at our campus. Now I have built Qt on my machine and
trying some interesting stuff and running demos and examples. From where I
can get complete documentation of marble to start reading the code.

Now I want to know that is all above things are possible and how should I
proceed. Please give your valuable ideas and how should I reach my goal.

Thanks in advance.

Gaurav Gupta
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