[Marble-devel] make marblewidget kde QTONLY

Kishore kitts.mailinglists at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 07:24:07 CET 2009

On Tuesday 15 Dec 2009 8:11:55 pm Torsten Rahn wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 December 2009 14:57:40 Kishore wrote:
> > Is is possible to make marblewidget (just the library) always QTONLY?
> Yes. It should be possible already and in fact we intend to separate the 
> library ( / Qt only version) fully in the future and move it into
>  kdesupport.

Is there any plan around this? How would the data that is now part of marble 
be handled? It would need to go with the library. right?

Is anyone already working on this? I am considering taking a shot at it.

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