[Marble-devel] Fwd: Re: marble improvement

Jens-Michael Hoffmann jensmh at gmx.de
Mon Aug 17 16:32:10 CEST 2009


I got a private mail from an user.
He's got an interesting proposal, please see his mail (quoted) and my answers below.

----------  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  ----------

Betreff: Re: marble improvement
Datum: Montag, 17. August 2009
Von: "Jens-Michael Hoffmann" <jensmh at gmx.de>


Am Montag, 10. August 2009 23:53:52 schrieb XXXX:
> Hi,
> your Marble map is very cool aplication, especially in connection with openstreetmap.

thanks :) nice to hear you like Marble and sorry for answering this late.

> However ,I have problem with loading maps into memory. If I haven't fast internet connection,
> I need long term wait for maps of around areas, which I don't need and which claim big space on my cache.

Yes, I understand that that might be a problem in some circumstances. I've found myself from time to time also at places with bad internet connection. I then usually change the number of parallel dowloads from 40 (default) to 5 or something like that.
However that does not reduce the amount of data downloaded, it only changes that the data currently displayed on screen will appear/update faster.

If you would like to, you also could try this work-around. It requires however that you compile Marble from source, if that an option for you.

> Therefore I think up some improvement, which can be useful for many people.
> The idea is on the picture in appendix. Unfortunately, I'm not programmer, so I have only the idea,
> realisation is job for another people.

That is really an interesting idea for a feature.

I think it is even possible to get this w/o changing Marble, as Marble updates the map data in certain intervals. You would have to check in the according .dgml file what interval for update is configured there, then identify which tiles you do not want do update and then set up a cron job, which touches these files regularly (so Marble does not think they are too old).

However this suggestion is not really user-friendly and some people will not be able to do it.

> I hope, that it's helpful for your project, if not, I'm sorry for spam

Of course it is :) for us developers it is nice to hear what users are missing, so we can consider what features to add. I can of course not promise that we will implement it, but I'll discuss with other developers what they think about it and how it can fit in Marble.

Also, you can always send suggestions to the marble-devel mailing list. The mailing list address is  
marble-devel at kde.org, if you prefer irc, you can find us freenode (irc.kde.org) in the channels #marble or #kde-edu.

Best Regards

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