[Marble-devel] how to use small region openstreetmap maps?

Arnd Baecker arnd.baecker at web.de
Sat Apr 18 13:57:49 CEST 2009

On Sat, 18 Apr 2009, Torsten Rahn wrote:

> On Saturday 18 April 2009 07:03:01 Arnd Baecker wrote:
> > When trying to do this I get the following error
> > "Download of maps/earth/hikebikemap/0/0/0.png failed, but trying again
> > soon"
> > which refers to this file:
> > "   URL http://opentiles.com/cmarqu/tiles_2009-04-17/0/0/0.png "
> >
> > Is there a way to prevent marble from requesting these
> > not available tiles, or are these tiles absolutely necessary?
> Yes. But you can just store a transparent png of the same size locally.

Well, that tile is there, but outdated.
Touching that file (to make it appear up-to-date) gets
one to the next errors, eg.
"Download of maps/earth/hikebikemap/2/2/1.png failed, but trying again
etc. etc.

> > Another interesting map would be this one:
> >   http://opentiles.com/nop/
> > However, there tiles get fetched in a different way
> >   http://opentiles.com/nop/get.php?l=relief&z=10&x=545&y=349
> > which does not fit into the current scheme of how marble downloads
> > data, right?
> And that one doesn't work if you provide
> http://opentiles.com/nop
> as a server Url?

Yes, it does not work. I tries to fetch tiles
"Download of maps/earth/reitwandermap/1/1/0.png failed, but trying again
"   URL http://opentiles.com/nop/tiles1/1/0.png "

Which does not exist.

But maybe  this should be put aside for the moment,
until the first example, ie. http://opentiles.com/cmarqu/
works ...

Best, Arnd

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