Potential kxstitch/qt5 5.11 issue

Steve Allewell steve.allewell at gmail.com
Sun Jun 3 10:46:19 UTC 2018

On 02/06/18 20:51, Sean Enck wrote:
> Running archlinux, recently qt5 5.11 has dropped (from 5.10), I went to
> rebuild kxstitch in a clean environment and hit the following
> https://gist.githubusercontent.com/enckse/1490da81a531937d093c0ec826caf3f5/raw/826f324b9943e77b002bdb4f36b25b85a46cc92d/gistfile1.txt
> I'm assuming this is a qt5 5.11 (potentially incorrectly), I can provide
> more of a log if needed and/or more information.

I suspect this is because LibraryPatternPropertiesDlg does not include
the QIcon header directly, relying on it being included in one of the
other ones.

Can you try adding into LibraryPatternPropertiesDlg.h the following line
under class QShowEvent:

class QIcon;

and in LibraryPatternPropertiesDlg.cpp under #include <KSharedConfig>:

#include <QIcon>

Then try recompiling.  I think there might be similar errors perhaps.
My distribution is usually quick to update these packages, so I will
probably be on 5.11 soon so I will be able to test for myself.



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