
Stefan Riha stefan at
Thu Mar 17 11:19:14 GMT 2022


Thanks for your reply! I have been trying Sven Brauch's suggestion

qdbus org.kde.kate-$(pidof kate) /kate/MainWindow_1/actions/file_save_all trigger

and it seems to work!

You suggested to save perdiodically every x seconds and I can write a bash script to run the qdbus command every x seconds.

I'm curious, would it be possible/advantageous to monitor for changed files and selectively save only those? So make it event-driven instead of periodic, i.e. wait for the creation of a *.kate-swp file and then trigger a file save on that file?

The reason I'm asking is because I have open files which are build artifacts (output from a cpp preprocessor or other files edited by processes other than kate). I don't know how to mark entire folders as read-only in kate, so what I currently do is

> chmod -R u+w /path/to/readonlyfolder

> command_which_modifies_files_in_readonlyfolder

> chmod -R u-w /path/to/readonlyfolder

So the files are in fact writeable by kate during a brief moment while the command runs. Ideally I would not run the save-all command during that time.

But I think I should first try the simplest solution and see if that problem actually arises in practice. I'll get back later when it does.

Thanks again for your help!

-----Original message-----
From: Waqar Ahmed
Sent: Wednesday, March 16 2022, 8:39 pm
To: kwrite-devel at; Stefan Riha
Subject: Re: Auto-save
 Sorry, I meant to say *internal script, not external ;p
 On Thu, Mar 17, 2022, 12:31 AM Waqar Ahmed <waqar.17a at> wrote:
 I don't this is possible via our external script. However, it is doable using a plugin and is really trivial to implement I think. One just needs a timer that fires every x seconds and saves all open documents. Or alternatively it can be implemented in the editor component. 
 On Wed, Mar 16, 2022, 11:39 PM Stefan Riha <stefan at> wrote:


I switched from vscode a couple of months ago and I'm quite happy with kate. However, I miss is auto-save which saved me dozens of identical key presses per hour.  Given that auto-save has apparently been a feature request for a decade [1] and not implemented, I assume it will not be implemented for some time.

What I mean by 'auto-save': 

Currently I do this:

1) Edit e.g. a python script
2) Save a file with shortcut, e.g. Ctrl-s
3) Switch to a terminal and run the python script

I want to do this

1) Edit e.g. a python script
2) Switch to a terminal and run the python script

without having to press Ctrl-s.


Having no idea about kwrite/kate (or Qt and KDE in general), I can think of the following options to solve my problem:

*) Modifying the source code (difficult)
*) Writing a plugin (don't know if possible/feasible?)
*) automation via a shell script (don't know if possible/feasible?)

I'd prefer the last option (shell script). Do you think this is feasible?

Can I somehow run a background process that would trigger a save-action, e.g. in the event that a *.kate-swp file is created for that file?


Thanks for your help!

Regards, Stefan

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