Best way to create and develop a kate syntax highlighting file

rhkramer at rhkramer at
Thu Sep 24 13:14:47 BST 2020

On Thursday, September 24, 2020 05:15:36 AM Andreas Plank wrote:
> I want to develop and write a SPARQL syntax highlighting file, my
> question: what tool, IDE or XML editor is the most comfortable one that
> has all the XML elements and possible XML attributes in it out of the box?

I'm not familiar with SPARQL (from Wikipedia, it is "an RDF query language").  
I would look for another language that is similar to SPARQL which has a(n XML) 
syntax highlighter for kate and modify it.

> Or do I have to fiddle around with just Kate (?KDevelop) and the external
> documentation of syntax highlighting?
> It would be nice to have some templates although I know I can use the
> existing syntax highlighting files as such and alter them to my needs but
> it is difficult to grasp all the possibilities of context definitions at
> once.
> Or is there a conversion tool from another editor framework into
> KSyntaxHighlighting?

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