Kate: how widen vertical scrollbar

Kåre Särs kare.sars at mailbox.org
Wed Jul 29 10:04:24 BST 2020


On lördag 25 juli 2020 kl. 14:10:44 EEST rhkramer wrote:
> I'm asking about Kate 18.8.0 on Debian Buster.
> I've turned off the Mini-Map and Preview on the vertical scrollbar (because
> I wasn't comfortable with them), but the scrollbar is too narrow.  Is there
> a way to widen it?
> I've looked in katerc, but don't see a parameter there.  I've done a quick
> google which didn't turn up anything.

The scrollbar width without the mini-map depends directly on the KDE/Qt widget-
theme that you are using.

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