Kate syntax highlighter for new language

Stefan Pietzonke spietzonke at gmail.com
Wed Jan 1 19:21:56 GMT 2020


I have tried to write a new syntax highlighter for my language brackets, 
which I use on my L1VM virtual machine. (https://midnight-koder.net/blog/)

I did change the Ada highlighter to fit as a starting point. If I try to 
load a .l1com file It displays the code colored for just a fraction of a 

And then all source code is shown as not marked with the default text 
color! What is wrong here? I just copied "l1com.xml" to 

Is there something not right in my syntax highlighter file?

I attached a .l1com program and my highlighter.


Stefan Pietzonke

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// chess-problem - bra(et - put rice on chess field calculator
(main func)
	(set int64 1 zero 0)
	(set int64 1 one 1)
	(set int64 1 two 2)
	(set int64 1 field 0)
	(set int64 1 total 5)
	(set int64 1 save 6)
	(set int64 1 loop 1)
	(set int64 1 maxloop 64)
	(set string s onestr "1.0")
	(set string s twostr "2.0")
	(set string s fieldstr "0.0")
	(set string s totalstr "1.0")
	(set string s formatstr "%.20Ff")
	(set string s textstr "chess field: ")
	(set string s totalnumstr "total: ")
	(set int64 1 precision 100)
	(set int64 1 base 10)
	(set int64 1 f 0)
	(set string s formatstr "")
	(zero :mp_math_init call)
	// set variables
	(onestraddr base one :mp_set_float call)
	(twostraddr base two :mp_set_float call)
	(fieldstraddr base field :mp_set_float call)
	(totalstraddr base total :mp_set_float call)
	(7 0 0 0 intr0)
	(7 0 0 0 intr0)
	(((loop maxloop <=) f =) f for)
		(6 textstr 0 0 intr0)
		(4 loop 0 0 intr0)
		(7 0 0 0 intr0)
		(((loop one ==) f =) f if+)
			(field one field :mp_add_float call)
			(field two field :mp_mul_float call)
			(total field total :mp_add_float call)
		(field formatstraddr precision :mp_print_float call)
		(7 0 0 0 intr0)
		(6 totalnumstr 0 0 intr0)
		(total formatstraddr precision :mp_print_float call)
		(7 0 0 0 intr0)
		(7 0 0 0 intr0)
		((loop one +) loop =)
	(:mp_cleanup call)
	(1 zero 0 0 intr0)
	(255 zero 0 0 intr0)
// mpfr math library
(mp_math_init func)
    (set string s modulestr at gmp "libl1vmmpfr.so")
	(set string s cleanupstr at gmp "mp_cleanup")
	(set string s setstr at gmp "mp_set_float")
	(set string s addstr at gmp "mp_add_float")
	(set string s substr at gmp "mp_sub_float")
	(set string s mulstr at gmp "mp_mul_float")
	(set string s divstr at gmp "mp_div_float")
	(set string s printstr at gmp "mp_print_float")
	(set string s printsstr at gmp "mp_prints_float")
	(set string s lessstr at gmp "mp_less_float")
	(set string s less_equalstr at gmp "mp_less_equal_float")
	(set string s greaterstr at gmp "mp_greater_float")
	(set string s greater_equalstr at gmp "mp_greater_equal_float")
	(set string s equalstr at gmp "mp_equal_float")
	(set string s not_equalstr at gmp "mp_not_equal_float")
	(set int64 1 cleanup at gmp 0)
	(set int64 1 set_float at gmp 1)
	(set int64 1 add_float at gmp 2)
	(set int64 1 sub_float at gmp 3)
	(set int64 1 mul_float at gmp 4)
	(set int64 1 div_float at gmp 5)
	(set int64 1 print_float at gmp 6)
	(set int64 1 prints_float at gmp 7)
	(set int64 1 less at gmp 8)
	(set int64 1 less_equal at gmp 9)
	(set int64 1 greater at gmp 10)
	(set int64 1 greater_equal at gmp 11)
	(set int64 1 equal at gmp 12)
	(set int64 1 not_equal at gmp 13)
	(set int64 1 mod at gmp 0)
	// get argument from stack
    (mod at gmp stpopi)
    // load math module
    (0 modulestr at gmpaddr mod at gmp 0 intr0)
	// set functions
	(2 mod at gmp cleanup at gmp cleanupstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp set_float at gmp setstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp add_float at gmp addstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp sub_float at gmp substr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp mul_float at gmp mulstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp div_float at gmp divstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp print_float at gmp printstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp prints_float at gmp printsstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp less at gmp lessstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp less_equal at gmp less_equalstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp greater at gmp greaterstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp greater_equal at gmp greater_equalstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp equal at gmp equalstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp not_equal at gmp not_equalstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(set string s sqrstr at gmp "mp_sqr_float")
	(set int64 1 sqr at gmp 14)
	(set string s sqrtstr at gmp "mp_sqrt_float")
	(set int64 1 sqrt at gmp 15)
	(set string s cbrtstr at gmp "mp_cbrt_float")
	(set int64 1 cbrt at gmp 16)
	(set string s powstr at gmp "mp_pow_float")
	(set int64 1 pow at gmp 17)
	(set string s fabsstr at gmp "mp_fabs_float")
	(set int64 1 fabs at gmp 18)
	(set string s absstr at gmp "mp_abs_float")
	(set int64 1 abs at gmp 19)
	(set string s dimstr at gmp "mp_dim_float")
	(set int64 1 dim at gmp 20)
	(set string s logstr at gmp "mp_log_float")
	(set int64 1 log at gmp 21)
	(set string s log2str at gmp "mp_log2_float")
	(set int64 1 log2 at gmp 22)
	(set string s logbstr at gmp "mp_logb_float")
	(set int64 1 logb at gmp 23)
	(set string s log10str at gmp "mp_log10_float")
	(set int64 1 log10 at gmp 24)
	(set string s exp2str at gmp "mp_exp2_float")
	(set int64 1 exp2 at gmp 25)
	(set string s exp10str at gmp "mp_exp10_float")
	(set int64 1 exp10 at gmp 26)
	(set string s log1pstr at gmp "mp_log1p_float")
	(set int64 1 log1p at gmp 27)
	(set string s expm1str at gmp "mp_expm1_float")
	(set int64 1 expm1 at gmp 28)
	(set string s cosstr at gmp "mp_cos_float")
	(set int64 1 cos at gmp 29)
	(set string s sinstr at gmp "mp_sin_float")
	(set int64 1 sin at gmp 30)
	(set string s tanstr at gmp "mp_tan_float")
	(set int64 1 tan at gmp 31)
	(set string s secstr at gmp "mp_sec_float")
	(set int64 1 sec at gmp 32)
	(set string s cscstr at gmp "mp_csc_float")
	(set int64 1 csc at gmp 33)
	(set string s cotstr at gmp "mp_cot_float")
	(set int64 1 cot at gmp 34)
	(set string s acosstr at gmp "mp_acos_float")
	(set int64 1 acos at gmp 35)
	(set string s asinstr at gmp "mp_asin_float")
	(set int64 1 asin at gmp 36)
	(set string s atanstr at gmp "mp_atan_float")
	(set int64 1 atan at gmp 37)
	(set string s atan2str at gmp "mp_atan2_float")
	(set int64 1 atan2 at gmp 38)
	(set string s acotstr at gmp "mp_acot_float")
	(set int64 1 acot at gmp 39)
	(set string s asecstr at gmp "mp_asec_float")
	(set int64 1 asec at gmp 40)
	(set string s acscstr at gmp "mp_acsc_float")
	(set int64 1 acsc at gmp 41)
	(set string s coshstr at gmp "mp_cosh_float")
	(set int64 1 cosh at gmp 42)
	(set string s sinhstr at gmp "mp_sinh_float")
	(set int64 1 sinh at gmp 43)
	(set string s tanhstr at gmp "mp_tanh_float")
	(set int64 1 tanh at gmp 44)
	(set string s sechstr at gmp "mp_sech_float")
	(set int64 1 sech at gmp 45)
	(set string s cschstr at gmp "mp_csch_float")
	(set int64 1 csch at gmp 46)
	(set string s cothstr at gmp "mp_coth_float")
	(set int64 1 coth at gmp 47)
	(set string s acoshstr at gmp "mp_acosh_float")
	(set int64 1 acosh at gmp 48)
	(set string s asinhstr at gmp "mp_asinh_float")
	(set int64 1 asinh at gmp 49)
	(set string s atanhstr at gmp "mp_atanh_float")
	(set int64 1 atanh at gmp 50)
	(set string s acothstr at gmp "mp_acoth_float")
	(set int64 1 acoth at gmp 51)
	(set string s asechstr at gmp "mp_asech_float")
	(set int64 1 asech at gmp 52)
	(set string s acschstr at gmp "mp_acsch_float")
	(set int64 1 acsch at gmp 53)
	(set string s hypotstr at gmp "mp_hypot_float")
	(set int64 1 hypot at gmp 54)
	(set string s eintstr at gmp "mp_eint_float")
	(set int64 1 eint at gmp 55)
	(set string s gammastr at gmp "mp_gamma_float")
	(set int64 1 gamma at gmp 56)
	(set string s tgammastr at gmp "mp_tgamma_float")
	(set int64 1 tgamma at gmp 57)
	(set string s lngammastr at gmp "mp_lngamma_float")
	(set int64 1 lngamma at gmp 58)
	(set string s zetastr at gmp "mp_zeta_float")
	(set int64 1 zeta at gmp 59)
	(set string s erfstr at gmp "mp_erf_float")
	(set int64 1 erf at gmp 60)
	(set string s erfcstr at gmp "mp_erfc_float")
	(set int64 1 erfc at gmp 61)
	(set string s bessely0str at gmp "mp_bessely0_float")
	(set int64 1 bessely0 at gmp 62)
	(set string s bessely1str at gmp "mp_bessely1_float")
	(set int64 1 bessely1 at gmp 63)
	(set string s fmastr at gmp "mp_fma_float")
	(set int64 1 fma at gmp 64)
	(set string s fmsstr at gmp "mp_fms_float")
	(set int64 1 fms at gmp 65)
	(set string s agmstr at gmp "mp_agm_float")
	(set int64 1 agm at gmp 66)
	(set string s li2str at gmp "mp_li2_float")
	(set int64 1 li2 at gmp 67)
	(set string s fmodstr at gmp "mp_fmod_float")
	(set int64 1 fmod at gmp 68)
	(set string s rec_sqrtstr at gmp "mp_rec_sqrt_float")
	(set int64 1 rec_sqrt at gmp 69)
	(set string s digammastr at gmp "mp_digamma_float")
	(set int64 1 digamma at gmp 70)
	(set string s aistr at gmp "mp_ai_float")
	(set int64 1 ai at gmp 71)
	(set string s rintstr at gmp "mp_rint_float")
	(set int64 1 rint at gmp 72)
	(set string s ceilstr at gmp "mp_ceil_float")
	(set int64 1 ceil at gmp 73)
	(set string s floorstr at gmp "mp_floor_float")
	(set int64 1 floor at gmp 74)
	(set string s roundstr at gmp "mp_round_float")
	(set int64 1 round at gmp 75)
	(set string s truncstr at gmp "mp_trunc_float")
	(set int64 1 trunc at gmp 76)
	(set string s rint_ceilstr at gmp "mp_rint_ceil_float")
	(set int64 1 rint_ceil at gmp 77)
	(set string s rint_floorstr at gmp "mp_rint_floor_float")
	(set int64 1 rint_floor at gmp 78)
	(set string s rint_roundstr at gmp "mp_rint_round_float")
	(set int64 1 rint_round at gmp 79)
	(set string s rint_truncstr at gmp "mp_rint_trunc_float")
	(set int64 1 rint_trunc at gmp 80)
	(set string s fracstr at gmp "mp_frac_float")
	(set int64 1 frac at gmp 81)
	(set string s remainderstr at gmp "mp_remainder_float")
	(set int64 1 remainder at gmp 82)
	(set string s nexttowardstr at gmp "mp_nexttoward_float")
	(set int64 1 nexttoward at gmp 83)
	(set string s nextabovestr at gmp "mp_nextabove_float")
	(set int64 1 nextabove at gmp 84)
	(set string s nextbelowstr at gmp "mp_nextbelow_float")
	(set int64 1 nextbelow at gmp 85)
	(set string s fmaxstr at gmp "mp_fmax_float")
	(set int64 1 fmax at gmp 86)
	(set string s fminstr at gmp "mp_fmin_float")
	(set int64 1 fmin at gmp 87)
	(2 mod at gmp sqr at gmp sqrstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp sqrt at gmp sqrtstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp cbrt at gmp cbrtstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp pow at gmp powstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp fabs at gmp fabsstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp abs at gmp absstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp dim at gmp dimstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp log at gmp logstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp log2 at gmp log2str at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp logb at gmp logbstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp log10 at gmp log10str at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp exp2 at gmp exp2str at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp exp10 at gmp exp10str at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp log1p at gmp log1pstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp expm1 at gmp expm1str at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp cos at gmp cosstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp sin at gmp sinstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp tan at gmp tanstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp sec at gmp secstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp csc at gmp cscstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp cot at gmp cotstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp acos at gmp acosstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp asin at gmp asinstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp atan at gmp atanstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp atan2 at gmp atan2str at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp acot at gmp acotstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp asec at gmp asecstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp acsc at gmp acscstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp cosh at gmp coshstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp sinh at gmp sinhstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp tanh at gmp tanhstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp sech at gmp sechstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp csch at gmp cschstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp coth at gmp cothstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp acosh at gmp acoshstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp asinh at gmp asinhstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp atanh at gmp atanhstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp acoth at gmp acothstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp asech at gmp asechstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp acsch at gmp acschstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp hypot at gmp hypotstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp eint at gmp eintstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp gamma at gmp gammastr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp tgamma at gmp tgammastr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp lngamma at gmp lngammastr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp zeta at gmp zetastr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp erf at gmp erfstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp erfc at gmp erfcstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp bessely0 at gmp bessely0str at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp bessely1 at gmp bessely1str at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp fma at gmp fmastr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp fms at gmp fmsstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp agm at gmp agmstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp li2 at gmp li2str at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp fmod at gmp fmodstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp rec_sqrt at gmp rec_sqrtstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp digamma at gmp digammastr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp ai at gmp aistr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp rint at gmp rintstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp ceil at gmp ceilstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp floor at gmp floorstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp round at gmp roundstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp trunc at gmp truncstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp rint_ceil at gmp rint_ceilstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp rint_floor at gmp rint_floorstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp rint_round at gmp rint_roundstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp rint_trunc at gmp rint_truncstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp frac at gmp fracstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp remainder at gmp remainderstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp nexttoward at gmp nexttowardstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp nextabove at gmp nextabovestr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp nextbelow at gmp nextbelowstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp fmax at gmp fmaxstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(2 mod at gmp fmin at gmp fminstr at gmpaddr intr0)
	(mp_sqr_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp sqr at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_sqrt_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp sqrt at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_cbrt_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp cbrt at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_pow_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp pow at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_fabs_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp fabs at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_abs_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp abs at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_dim_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp dim at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_log_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp log at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_log2_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp log2 at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_logb_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp logb at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_log10_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp log10 at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_exp2_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp exp2 at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_exp10_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp exp10 at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_log1p_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp log1p at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_expm1_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp expm1 at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_cos_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp cos at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_sin_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp sin at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_tan_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp tan at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_sec_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp sec at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_csc_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp csc at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_cot_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp cot at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_acos_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp acos at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_asin_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp asin at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_atan_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp atan at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_atan2_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp atan2 at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_acot_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp acot at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_asec_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp asec at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_acsc_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp acsc at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_cosh_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp cosh at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_sinh_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp sinh at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_tanh_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp tanh at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_sech_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp sech at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_csch_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp csch at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_coth_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp coth at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_acosh_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp acosh at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_asinh_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp asinh at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_atanh_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp atanh at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_acoth_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp acoth at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_asech_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp asech at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_acsch_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp acsch at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_hypot_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp hypot at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_eint_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp eint at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_gamma_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp gamma at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_tgamma_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp tgamma at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_lngamma_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp lngamma at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_zeta_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp zeta at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_erf_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp erf at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_erfc_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp erfc at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_bessely0_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp bessely0 at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_bessely1_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp bessely1 at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_fma_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp fma at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_fms_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp fms at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_agm_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp agm at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_li2_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp li2 at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_fmod_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp fmod at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_rec_sqrt_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp rec_sqrt at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_digamma_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp digamma at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_ai_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp ai at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_rint_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp rint at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_ceil_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp ceil at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_floor_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp floor at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_round_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp round at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_trunc_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp trunc at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_rint_ceil_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp rint_ceil at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_rint_floor_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp rint_floor at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_rint_round_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp rint_round at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_rint_trunc_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp rint_trunc at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_frac_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp frac at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_remainder_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp remainder at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_nexttoward_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp nexttoward at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_nextabove_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp nextabove at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_nextbelow_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp nextbelow at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_fmax_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp fmax at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_fmin_float func)
	(3 mod at gmp fmin at gmp 0 intr0)
	// paste to generated code end: ==============================================
	// wrapper functions
	(mp_cleanup func)
		(3 mod at gmp cleanup at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_set_float func)
		(3 mod at gmp set_float at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_add_float func)
		(3 mod at gmp add_float at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_sub_float func)
		(3 mod at gmp sub_float at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_mul_float func)
		(3 mod at gmp mul_float at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_div_float func)
		(3 mod at gmp div_float at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_print_float func)
		(3 mod at gmp print_float at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_prints_float func)
		(3 mod at gmp prints_float at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_less func)
		(3 mod at gmp less at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_less_equal func)
		(3 mod at gmp less_equal at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_greater func)
		(3 mod at gmp greater at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_greater_equal func)
		(3 mod at gmp greater_equal at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_equal func)
		(3 mod at gmp equal at gmp 0 intr0)
	(mp_not_equal func)
		(3 mod at gmp not_equal at gmp 0 intr0)

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