kate lsp client plugin

Christoph Cullmann christoph at cullmann.io
Tue Jun 25 13:53:19 BST 2019


> Thanks for the positive feedback and reception!  I will continue to
> work on it and if/when useful post some spam^Hupdate on progress.  I
> will also have a look at supporting standalone compilation, as
> suggested ...

Given one can just copy the plugin directory into the addons directory 
the normal kate.git (and add it to cmakelists.txt) I would not spend 
time on the
standalone compile.

Actually, one could develop later on it even if we don't directly 
release it
per default in the normal kate.git and just keep it default off for the 


> Regards,
> Mark

Ignorance is bliss...
https://cullmann.io | https://kate-editor.org

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