kate lsp client plugin

Mark Nauwelaerts mark.nauwelaerts at gmail.com
Sun Jun 23 20:16:07 BST 2019

Hi All,

A while ago, I started to develop an LSP client plugin for kate. In my 
enthusiasm, I did not notice until recently that there was another approach at 
doing so (as mentioned here; 
https://cullmann.io/posts/kate-lsp-client-progress/). Consequently, my plugin's 
development is not related to the existing lsp branch and is also a separate 
plugin (not integrated into project plugin).  In particular, the LSP protocol 
code is plain-and-simple (and home-grown) but nevertheless effective and the 
plugin is already in fairly good shape (even if say so myself ;-) ).  It 
provides a symbol outline (like the SymbolViewer plugin), completion and goto 
definition, all of the former having been tested with clangd and 

The plugin code can be found in a github mirror fork; 
https://github.com/mnauw/kate/tree/lspclient.  Although in reasonable shape, it 
is still a work-in-progress and quite volatile.  I hope and expect to work on it 
on a daily basis in the coming weeks, to polish and refine the existing code 
(for corner cases) and to add support for declaration, references, 
signatureHelp, diagnostics (and maybe some other low hanging fruit).  All going 
well, it should end up in good state by early September (crossing some fingers) 
...  And when/if in good shape, I obviously hope it could head into Kate master :-)


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