I wish to contribute with a ShellCheck Linter

Francisco de Zuviría Allende franciscodezuviria at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 17:19:15 BST 2018

Hi there. I was directed to this mailing list by kfunk.

I wish to contribute with a ShellCheck
(https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/blob/master/README.md) Linter.

What's the best way to do this? Is a new plugin needed, or is it there
already a Linter plugin where I can add the Shellcheck support??

u/aKateDev in Reddit provided with this help so far:

> All plugins are located here:
> Maybe of interest is the projects plugin, since it already has linters:
> Maybe you want to create a new plugin, though.

But I'm still not sure the best way to go with this. Making a new
plugin sounds pretty intimidating to me... >_< (first time here)

Best of regards,

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