D13826: Support activities when opening files

Christoph Cullmann noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Jul 9 12:04:24 BST 2018

cullmann added a comment.

  Hmm, that I don't understand ;=)
  You just do:
    if (answer.size() == 1) {
                          kateCurrentActivities = answer.at(0).toStringList();
                          for (int j = 0; j < kateCurrentActivities.size(); j++) {
                              if (kateCurrentActivities.at(j) == currentActivity) {
                                  anyOnThisActivity = true;
  > That means if you would have a dbus function that tells you "haveWindowForActivity(currentActivity)" you would be fine, or?

  R40 Kate


To: sscalabrino, #kate, #ktexteditor, cullmann, dhaumann
Cc: ngraham, kwrite-devel, michaelh, kevinapavew, demsking, cullmann, sars, dhaumann
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