[Kwintv] video-picture only displayed in on-screen digits

Sven Burmeister sven.burmeister at gmx.net
Tue May 25 10:50:43 CEST 2004

Hello everybody,

I could not find anything in the mailinglist-archive, or google.

I got a somehow weird problem. I use the rivatv module 0.8.4 to watch TV and 
kdetv recognizes everything fine, as in: I can select the TV-Box as source 
and find channels. However I can only use the module if I configure v4l to: 
use overlay, if available, otherwise it fails with the message that video 
cannot be displayed.
Further, The video-picture is only displayed in the space that is covered by 
the on-screen display, i.e. the channel name when I switch channels. The 
remaining screen displays only black.

I use Suse 9.1 and KDE 3.2.2 with the NVIDIA binary-driver.

Anybody able to help?



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