[Kwintv] XRANDR

Andras Mantia amantia at freemail.hu
Fri Mar 12 23:34:25 CET 2004

Dirk Ziegelmeier wrote:

> 3) The TV window size is messed after the resolution is changed back (if
> the tv window is resized due to the lower resolution (can this be fixed?)
I noticed another problem: after switching to full screen and back, the
other opened windows (also those on another virtual desktop) on my desktop
are shrunk. I believe the situation is that when you change the resolution,
all windows are rearranged, so their size will change (as the new
resolution is lower, they will be smaller). I don't know how can this be
avoided (going to fullscreen and switch resolution afterwards?), but this
is the biggest issue I seen so far.


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