[Kwintv] disabling autoselection of stereo mode?

Chetan Reddy chetanreddy at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 08:29:20 CEST 2004

Hello all,

I have a pixelview playtv pro card ( vendor link
) without fm support. I noted the following number written on the
I am using the bttv modules provided by the 2.6.7 kernel with the
following options

options bttv card=72 tuner=3

i live in india and here the standard here is PAL B .

The video is perfect both in kdetv.

In kdetv whichever channel i change to, ( for the first 3 seconds or
so, none of the audiomodes are selected and i can hear the sound ) the
audiomode changes to 'Stereo'  and there is no sound anymore. I get
back the sound when i change back to 'Mono' audiomode. Doing this
everytime i change a channel is painful .

In tvtime, even though the audio mode stays as 'Mono' when i change a
channel, sound stops, to get it back i have to go to 'stereo' mode and
then comeback to 'mono' mode.

In windows, the pixelview playtv software used to show the word
'stereo' in its panel. The product details on the website doesn't show
any stereo support.

Is there a way in kdetv to make the audiomode always stay in 'Mono'
instead of switching to 'Stereo' every time i change the channel? (or
maybe disable stereo totally).
I am using kdetv-0.8.0

Also can anyone else using pixelview playtv pro card please let me
know if stereo mode works for them.

Thanks in advance,
he can't be almighty; for,
( he *can't* build a wall he can't scale ) or 
( there is a wall he *can't* scale )

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