[Kwintv] Final touches

Zack Rusin zack at kde.org
Sun Jan 25 06:32:58 CET 2004


for those who don't know George surprised me during lwny with a tv tuner 
so I'll be hanging out here a lot now ;)
I'm up and running and KWinTV is a really fantastic app. I just see a 
few final touches that are missing for a stable release. 
My initial installation was without the vbi plugin. I installed it but 
because all my channels were already there I'd have to rescan all the 
channels again to get the station names. Rescaning with vbi sucks 
though because it's so incredibly slow. Here's a patch that let's the 
channelstore update the channel name if it's empty or just a numeric 

Some other things which I noticed and which I'll be fixing in the coming 
1) Race in the vbi plugin which blocks whole kwintv -> blocks in the 
vbiprivate destructor in the wait() call.
2) Channels aren't saved on exit. This really has to happen without 
forcing users to export them. Actually I think I'll just create the 
startup wizard that will save the channels after the first scan.
3) Closed captioning plugin needs to export both options as kaction's 
and we need to have dcop interface for both so that we can use them 
from a remote with kdelirc.
4) vbi plugin often emits an empty program name for channels with a 
valid program name. It usually :
 a) emits the right name,
 b) emits the empty name,
 c) emits the right name,
I'm not sure where the empty name is coming from.
5) I have to yet see kwintv exiting properly. I haven't yet checked 
where besides the vbi plugin it's blocking. I'll debug it a bit 
6) In place editing doesn't work in the channeleditor.

After those little thingies I'll be working on tv listings and 
recording. I talked to Rich a little bit today, his tuner is busted so 
he can't be playing with it right now but he'd like to use xmltv which 
seems like a great idea. Once we have tv listings the recording is the 
natural progression so that you can setup what you want to record.

I looked at the todo and I'd be suggesting to release the 1.0 after 
these are done. Move to extragear and there work on the other features 
(listings and recording from my side).


The sum of the universe is zero.
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