[Kwintv] Audio/Video API

Dirk Ziegelmeier dziegel at gmx.de
Fri Jan 23 22:53:39 CET 2004

> kwintv is really shaping up now, its all i use to watch tv. when will
> features such as filtering/saving be thought about?
thought: now. Implemented: I really can't tell you :-) When somebody has the 
time. I'm the only person working on qtvision at the moment, and I may not 
always be able/willing to spend that much time hacking as I did in the last 
months. Also, reinventing everything is not too good, I'd like if qtvision's 
filtering API would be close to DScaler's so we can reuse the code, and doing 
this involves some work.

At present, I want to stablize the app and the UI, make it compile on all 
major platforms so we can create an official beta release and move it to 
another CVS tree (kdeextragear).

It would also be nice if overlay for the v4l plugin works, too so as many as 
possible people can use it to watch TV without too much CPU load.


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