[Kwintv] [kde-bluetooth] Fedora

Velpi Velpi at Industria.be
Fri Jan 23 01:46:02 CET 2004

picked up an old discussion here...

Fedora core 1 KDE links are default in /usr/share/applnk-redhat/
that's the solution for this 'link-problem' (nice going there RH...)
BUT what is worse:
a standard tarball compile and install also doesn't integrate in the KDE 
control panel (=no bluetooth option), probably for a similar reason. The 
entry for the context menu in konqueror ("Send with Bluetooth...") is 
there though. Also it is not possible to start the khciconfig from the 
context menu of kbluetoothd. Starting khciconfig manually as root from 
console is not a problem.

Another problem I encountered: I don't get a popup 'pin' window whatever 
I do when pairing. And if I pair the devices with editing my pin 
manually, the device does not show up in sdp:/ afterwards. If I do a 
hctool device scan or inquiry, the device doesn't show up either, so I 
guess this is not a kde-bluetooth problem...
and now *magic*: if I send something to my PC, the kobexclient pops up 
and receives the item. cool, though very strange if you ask me...
since the device doesn't list anywhere, it is impossible for me to send 
something to it the normal way... (I'll try MAC addresses in a while)

any suggestions?

Am So, den 30.11.2003 schrieb Daniel Durgin um 06:38:
 > Problem:
 > It is not totally integrated with KDE 3.1. There isn't
 > a Services menu Item for KDEBT. I can get there
 > however by typing "sdp:/" in the URL. My Palm then
 > will show up along with the local host in the browser
 > menu.
 > The Programs do show up in fedora kde Kmenu.

  To globally ad them to the fedora menu (KDE. Gnome and other WMs) you'll
need to configure the shortcuts in /usr/share/applnk/ to "fedora style".
Some of them are set to "Hidden=true", you can change that. To avoid the
apps being shown in Gnome you can add "OnlyShowIn=KDE"

# cat /usr/share/applnk/Utilities/kbtobexclient.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=kbtobexclient %u
Comment=An OBEX Object Push client for the KdeBluetooth Framework

Most of the apps are hidden, for they are called via an sdp-url, so it's
no use to have them in the menu.


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