[Kwintv] Webcam QT Widget

Dirk Ziegelmeier dziegel at gmx.de
Sun Aug 8 13:02:25 CEST 2004

On Saturday 07 August 2004 17:11, Nahuel Greco wrote:
> So is possible in an overlay scheme to fetch an image, convert it using the
> CPU then displaying it? I was thinking that overlay were a direct transfer
> between the camera and the video card using DMA, so conversions in the
> middle were impossible. I was wrong?
Right, it's not possible if you use overlay. But the v4l plugin also supports 
a "grab and display" mode which reads an image from the grabber and paints it 
to a widget using different methods (XVIDEO, OpenGL, native X11).


PS: Overlay is quite unusable since it causes much flicker due to screen 
repainting whenever you move the widget so you should avoid using this mode 

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