[Kwintv] Webcam QT Widget

Nahuel Greco nahuel.greco at voiceovernet.com.ar
Sat Aug 7 17:11:15 CEST 2004

On Fri, 6 Aug 2004 20:03:55 +0200
Dirk Ziegelmeier <dziegel at gmx.de> wrote:

> Yes it is. Acutally, there is a RGB->YUV conversion routine in CVS 
> (libkdetv/kdetvvideo/kdetvformatconversion.cpp) but it is not being used so 
> far.

So is possible in an overlay scheme to fetch an image, convert it using the CPU
then displaying it? I was thinking that overlay were a direct transfer between
the camera and the video card using DMA, so conversions in the middle were
impossible. I was wrong?

Nahuel Greco.

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