[Kwintv] makefile in cvs

Rizsanyi Zsolt kwintv@mail.kde.org
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 22:34:55 +0200

On Friday 27 September 2002 21:43, Richard Moore wrote:
> If anyone wants to see what we have so far, take a look at:
> http://xmelegance.org/devel/teletext.png
> The junk at the top is because I haven't done graphics support yet.

I have looked at the source, and I have a question. Do you know, that there is 
a library called libzvbi?

If not, then I will let you know, that it is/was developed by the zapping 
project, and progressed that far, that now even xawtv is using it. In my 
opinion that would suggest that we should use it too.
But of course, you are writing the tool, so I will let it to you :)
