[Kwintv] Contributing more to qtvision

Stefan Hellwig kwintv@mail.kde.org
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 19:08:31 +0100


On Tuesday 17 December 2002 18:52, Neil Macvicar wrote:
> I want to work some more on qtvision, and am wondering how up to date
> the webpage is on the "Known Not Working" section. 

Well, that's just the release notes document of QtVision's first alpha 
release. It's hopelessly out of date. I should put something more accurate 
on the page, maybe George's LAUNDRY document? George? Sadly my
time is still limited but maybe I can get something on there this week, a 
"Jobs" page probably?! Suggestions and ideas are welcome!

Regards, Stefan.
(Looking forward to the upcoming vacation! :-)
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