[Ktechlab-devel] Fwd: How do I compile/build KTECHLAB on Windows 10-Part2

David J S Briscoe david at djsbriscoe.vispa.com
Mon Sep 5 15:48:32 BST 2022

Could you please clarify for me what steps I should now take to compile 
Ktechlab using craft. I'm assuming that I need to copy this file to my 


If so where do I save the file?

I'm guessing that I should then open a powershell window. Which commands 
do I enter at the powershell command line? Thanks.


On 05/09/2022 10:33, David J S Briscoe wrote:
> Hi,
> I have managed to get craft setup from a powershell window. At one 
> stage it asked me if I wanted to use a MINGW or a MSVC2019 compiler. I 
> chose the latter. Everything seemed to install OK after a load of 
> scary text scrolling by on the powershell screen. I will try compiling 
> ktechlab using craft next weekend. I hope it all works out. I'll 
> report back later. Thanks.
> David.
> On 05/09/2022 10:13, Zoltan Padrah wrote:
>> I'm replying below, inline:
>> David J S Briscoe <david at djsbriscoe.vispa.com> ezt írta (időpont: 
>> 2022. szept. 4., V, 12:29):
>>     How would I set up the environment variables for MSVC 2019? The
>>     craft notes only mention 2015 and 2017
>> As far as I know the installation script for Craft detects compilers 
>> and allows selecting the one to use.
>>     Note: For Microsoft Visual Studio compiler, it's necessary to
>>     have VCTOOLSREDISTDIR environment variable pointing to:
>>     "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
>>     Studio\2017\Professional\VC\Redist\MSVC\xx.xx.xxxxx" for MSVS
>>     2017 and VCINSTALLDIR environment pointing to "C:\Program Files
>>     (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2015\Community\VC\" for MSVS 2015.
>> Where have you found this text? I do not remember manually setting up 
>> environment...
>> When starting Craft, it loads some configuration files and sets up 
>> the environment by itself, so I'm not sure if manual setup is needed. 
>> At least when I have installed Craft last time, things mostly worked 
>> automatically.
>> Hope this is useful,
>>  Zoltan
>>     I have checked my environment variables and VCTOOLSREDISTDIR and
>>     VCINSTALLDIR does not exist in a permanent way (maybe these are
>>     set up somehow at run time). Would I just create these variable
>>     and point them to the relevant directories for MSVC 2019. What
>>     variables do you have set up? Any help welcome. Thanks.
>>     David.
>>     PS Maybe this will help?
>>     https://renenyffenegger.ch/notes/Windows/development/Visual-Studio/environment-variables/index
>>     On 04/09/2022 10:07, Zoltan Padrah wrote:
>>>     MSVC / Visual Studio is just one of the required software
>>>     components needed for compiling KTechLab on Windows.
>>>     Some others are:
>>>     - Qt libraries
>>>     - dependencies of Qt libraries
>>>     - (some) KDE libraries
>>>     - dependencies of the KDE libraries
>>>     - (some) KDE runtime components
>>>     - dependencies of KDE runtime components
>>>     Theoretically you can set up all those manually, but probably it
>>>     would take quite some time and effort.
>>>     Installing all this software can be automated, essentially this
>>>     is the basic idea of Craft, as far as I know.
>>>      Zoltan
>>>     David J S Briscoe <david at djsbriscoe.vispa.com> ezt írta
>>>     (időpont: 2022. szept. 4., V, 9:38):
>>>         Hi,
>>>         Thanks for your reply.
>>>         I will read the information in the links you provided and
>>>         give craft a try.
>>>         Are there any other ways of compiling Ktechlab for Windows
>>>         10? I saw MSVC 2019 mentioned somewhere (I have VS 2019 and
>>>         2022 community editions installed).
>>>         David.
>>>         On 03/09/2022 20:57, Zoltan Padrah wrote:
>>>>         The craft recipe is in the craft-blueprints-kde repository
>>>>         [1] ; this git repository (and several others) is
>>>>         automatically cloned when Craft is set up.
>>>>         [1]
>>>>         https://invent.kde.org/packaging/craft-blueprints-kde/-/blob/master/extragear/ktechlab/ktechlab.py
>>>>         If you want to build KTechLab on windows, I highly
>>>>         recommend reading the documentation about Craft...
>>>>         https://community.kde.org/Craft
>>>>         https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Build_from_source/Windows
>>>>          Zoltan
>>>>         David J S Briscoe <david at djsbriscoe.vispa.com> ezt írta
>>>>         (időpont: 2022. szept. 3., Szo, 21:36):
>>>>             Hi,
>>>>             Ive managed to install KTECHLAB on linux Mint using the
>>>>             APT-GET command so I didn't have to build anything.
>>>>             Where is the craft recipe located? Is it in the source
>>>>             code repository? I'd like to give it a try. Thanks.
>>>>             David.
>>>>             On 02/09/2022 21:42, Zoltan Padrah wrote:
>>>>>             Hi David,
>>>>>             building KTechLab on Windows requires KDE Craft,
>>>>>             please see instructions here:
>>>>>             https://community.kde.org/Craft
>>>>>             https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Build_from_source/Windows
>>>>>             There exists a Craft recipe for KTechLab, so in case
>>>>>             Craft is set up, one can build KTechLab with one command.
>>>>>             On Linux systems building is much simpler, you just
>>>>>             need to install KTechLab's build dependencies,
>>>>>             typically from package manager, then get the source
>>>>>             code and building and running should work. Please see
>>>>>             instructions here:
>>>>>             https://invent.kde.org/sdk/ktechlab#building-and-running
>>>>>             Depending on how much experience you have with
>>>>>             software development or software development on
>>>>>             Windows, building on Linux might be simpler to start
>>>>>             overall, while building on Windows might require to
>>>>>             fix / work-around some things as you go.
>>>>>             Hope this helps,
>>>>>              Zoltan
>>>>>             David J S Briscoe <david at djsbriscoe.vispa.com> ezt
>>>>>             írta (időpont: 2022. szept. 2., P, 18:28):
>>>>>                 Message forwarded to developer list.
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>>>>>                 From: 	David J S Briscoe
>>>>>                 <david at djsbriscoe.vispa.com>
>>>>>                 <mailto:david at djsbriscoe.vispa.com>
>>>>>                 Subject: 	How do I compile/build KTECHLAB on
>>>>>                 Windows 10-Part2
>>>>>                 To: 	480129 at discussion.ktechlab.p.re.sourceforge.net
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>>>>>                 Hi,
>>>>>                 I would like to build Ktechlab on Windows 10. I
>>>>>                 have QT Creator 8.01 installed but Ive never used
>>>>>                 it. Maybe this would be an opportunity to use QT.
>>>>>                 Do you have any build instructions I can follow?
>>>>>                 I also have Linux Mint 21 "Vanessa" installed and
>>>>>                 could build it on there as well. Which would be
>>>>>                 the most straightforward one to build on? Thanks.
>>>>>                 Regards,
>>>>>                 David, UK
>>>>>                 PS I also have visual studio 2019 and 2022
>>>>>                 Community editions installed on Windows 10. How
>>>>>                 would I use these? Thanks.
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