Scheduler, Stopped Clocks, and Image FOV Preview

Hy Murveit murveit at
Tue Jun 23 21:58:33 BST 2020

*What Happened:*
Last night I scheduled a job to start at 12:30am (after my target was going
to clear a tree).
I woke to find the job never started. Debugged things and it turns out that
it didn't start because I had paused the clock in KStars, and I guess the
scheduler uses that same clock, so the time never advanced to 12:30am.

*Proposal #1:* In the scheduler tab, we should have a pretty loud and
obnoxious UI element indicating that the clock has stopped (or if it is not
advancing at a "normal rate", or that the time is not the "real time"). Do
you agree?

*Proposal #2:* I had not paused the clock in the current KStars session,
but in a previous one, but this setting was remembered across session. I
don't think that the clock adjustment should be remembered--when KStars
starts, it should start with the time set to the current time and advancing
normally.Do you agree?

*Why*: You may wonder why I paused the clock earlier. The reason was that I
was trying to set my target RA/DEC position for the scheduler, and since it
was moving, I paused the clock to stop the motion. I forgot to un-pause it
(though I did kill that session and later start a new session, not thinking
that the clock would still be pause, and clearly I didn't check).

*FOV Preview:*  There must be a camera-field-of-view reticle for KStars,
isn't there? I can't seem to find it. You know, set the width and height in
degrees/arc-seconds of the camera's FOV (or better, get it from EKos) and
enter the camera angle, and see a rectangle on the screen that shows (e.g.
with the help of the DSS Colored Overlay) what the picture might look like.
Can you please point me to how to do this, or let me know if it's not there
(I'll happily add that).

What do you think?
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