[Kstars-devel] Stars in KStars Lite

Artem Fedoskin afedoskin3 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 18 09:44:03 UTC 2016

Dear KStars developers,

In *gsoc2016-kstarslite*
branch you will find 2 commits that adds support for named and unnamed
static stars to KStars Lite. (Here is the link on apk for armv7

Right now I'm working on porting dynamic stars and have a few questions:

1. deepstarcomponent.cpp, line 194 - why do we limit radius to 90 degrees?
This way I get about 300 trixels when I'm observing half-hemisphere on min
zoom, which seems to be correct.
2. Just an interest - do you guys expect Tycho-2 and USNO-NOMAD-1e8
catalogs in KStars Lite?
3. On page https://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdeedu-apidocs/kstars/html/Stars.html
in "A third categorization is "shallow" and "deep" stars. Shallow stars are
the brighter stars, which have enough catalog data to require a 32-bit data
structure (starData
to hold them. Deep stars are the fainter ones, data for which can be fit
into a 16-bit structure (deepStarData
All named stars and all static stars are shallow." shouldn't it be 32-byte
and 16-byte structures?

Btw. If you are testing KStars Lite on PC - make sure that your PC is using
discrete video card. Yesterday I installed nvidia-prime on my laptop and
switching to GPU gave very good results because Qt Quick Scene Graph
(graphical backend of KStars Lite) uses GPU for drawing.

Regards, Artem
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