[kstars] kstars/tools: Change DSS / ref. image file-naming conventions! (Breaks some files)

Akarsh Simha akarsh at kde.org
Thu Aug 25 12:48:44 UTC 2016

Git commit 72b99242b391af788242e4a39b6871989afdbe3a by Akarsh Simha.
Committed on 25/08/2016 at 12:43.
Pushed by asimha into branch 'master'.

Change DSS / ref. image file-naming conventions! (Breaks some files)

When naming DSS (or other reference) images in the Observation
Planner, the following things have changed:

1. Quotes are removed from the object name. For example, the reference
   image for Hoag's Object will have the file name
   Image_HoagsObject.png -- this prevents failure on Windows and
   cleaner paths on Linux.

2. Naming convention for star images has changed to follow the
   standard RA/Dec format more closely. So instead of
   Image_HHMMSSDDMMSS-, we have Image_JHHMMSS-DDMMSS.png

3. The downloaded image files now have extension .png. Whenever KStars
   loads an older file without the extension, it will rename it so it
   has the extension. This will make the files more usable on Windows
   outside of KStars.

This breaks some things:

1. If the user had already downloaded images for stars, they are no
   longer going to be available in KStars and must be re-downloaded!

2. If the user had already downloaded images for Hoag's Object,
   Mayall's Object, Minkowski's Object, ... they are no longer going
   to be available in KStars and must be re-downloaded!

CCMAIL: kstars-devel at kde.org

M  +12   -5    kstars/tools/observinglist.cpp


diff --git a/kstars/tools/observinglist.cpp b/kstars/tools/observinglist.cpp
index 951f7b5..ce4448f 100644
--- a/kstars/tools/observinglist.cpp
+++ b/kstars/tools/observinglist.cpp
@@ -1180,15 +1180,22 @@ void ObservingList::downloadReady( bool success ) {
 void ObservingList::setCurrentImage( const SkyObject *o  ) {
-    m_currentImageFileName = "Image_" +  o->name().remove(' ');
-    ThumbImage = "thumb-" + o->name().toLower().remove(' ') + ".png";
+    QString sanitizedName = o->name().remove(' ').remove( '\'' ).remove( '\"' );
+    m_currentImageFileName = "Image_" +  sanitizedName;
+    ThumbImage = "thumb-" + sanitizedName.toLower() + ".png";
     if( o->name() == "star" ) {
         QString RAString( o->ra0().toHMSString() );
         QString DecString( o->dec0().toDMSString() );
-        m_currentImageFileName = "Image" + RAString.remove(' ') + DecString.remove(' ');
-        QChar decsgn = ( (o->dec0().Degrees() < 0.0 ) ? '-' : '+' );
-        m_currentImageFileName = m_currentImageFileName.remove('+').remove('-') + decsgn;
+        m_currentImageFileName = "Image_J" + RAString.remove(' ').remove( ':' ) + DecString.remove(' ').remove( ':' ); // Note: Changed naming convention to standard 2016-08-25 asimha; old images shall have to be re-downloaded.
+        // Unnecessary complication below:
+        // QChar decsgn = ( (o->dec0().Degrees() < 0.0 ) ? '-' : '+' );
+        // m_currentImageFileName = m_currentImageFileName.remove('+').remove('-') + decsgn;
+    QString imagePath;
+    if ( QFile::exists( imagePath = getCurrentImagePath() ) ) { // New convention -- append filename extension so file is usable on Windows etc.
+        QFile::rename( imagePath, imagePath + ".png" );
+    }
+    m_currentImageFileName += ".png";
     // DSSUrl = KSDssDownloader::getDSSURL( o );
     // QString UrlPrefix("http://casjobs.sdss.org/ImgCutoutDR6/getjpeg.aspx?"); // FIXME: Upgrade to use SDSS Data Release 9 / 10. DR6 is well outdated.
     // QString UrlSuffix("&scale=1.0&width=600&height=600&opt=GST&query=SR(10,20)");

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