[Kstars-devel] GSoC 2016 ideas?
julien at obs-besancon.fr
julien at obs-besancon.fr
Thu Dec 10 09:19:38 UTC 2015
Just an idea I wish to suggest. The most useful thing to me in
Kstars is the Altitude vs. Time tool (but maybe I am the only one in
this situation). One thing that would improve a lot this tool is to
enable some tuning of the plotting ranges.
For example, a possibility could be that a right clic on the time
or altitude axis could open a menu where one could change the range.
Another possibility would be to directly interact with the curves,
in a similar way as with gnuplot: a right clic in the plot starts a
rectangle whose size is tuned by moving the mouse. When one releases
the right button, the figure zooms to the region defined by the
Quoting Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>:
> Hello folks,
> So it's about time we start discussing ideas for KStars in Google Summer of
> Code 2016. Last year, we had two projects:
> 1. Constellation Art
> 2. Ekos Scheduler
> I'm glad that both projects are in master now, but not without problems.
> The constellation art is marked as "beta" because the rotation and scaling
> issues are NOT yet fixed, and I am too busy as it is to even ponder a fix,
> so I might make fixing it as a "junior job". I completely re-wrote Ekos
> scheduler since I wanted to support more complex automation, BUT the basic
> ideas and skeleton in GSoC 2015 was very helpful in shaping the scheduler,
> so no wasted effort here either.
> For 2016, I have the following ideas:
> 1. KStars Tablet/Mobile version: Make a QML/QtQuick2 frontend for KStars
> with basic functions:
> 1.1 Sky map: Pan, zoom...etc
> 1.2 Search
> 1.3 Color schemes
> 1.4 Simulation time
> 1.5 Projection Systems?
> 1.6 FOV Symbols
> 1.7 Location/Time from mobile/phone or by user
> 1.8 ??
> 2. KStars on Windows/OSX: Still needs to research it, but we should aspire
> to support as many platforms as possible.
> 3. Qt3D backend: Develop a Qt3D backend in addition to the QtPainter
> backend. We already have OpenGL backend but it is disabled now, so it might
> serve as a starting point.
> 4. 3D Mount Modeler: Use Qt3D to model a telescope mount. Include wizard
> for user equipment such as OTA type, CCDs, filters, spacers, draw tubes,
> adaptive optics, mount, pier/tripod
> 5. Improve KStars
> 5.1 Improve star catalog import procedure (text --> binary format)
> 5.2 Support complete (or as much as possible) Henry Draper catalog.
> 5.3 Simulate day/night transitions
> 5.4 Light pollution filter (Maybe using Bortle scale?).
> 5.5 Migrate What's Interesting Tonight to latest QML/QtQuick
> These are just rough ideas and I welcome any new ideas and discussion!
> Regards,
> Jasem
> --
> Best Regards,
> Jasem Mutlaq
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