[Kstars-devel] GSoC 2013 -- 'tis that time of the year

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at gmail.com
Tue Apr 9 04:43:06 UTC 2013

Hey folks

Rishab sucked me into mentoring again. So Rishab and I are going to
sign up as mentors for KStars-related projects.

I've already discussed in private (mostly on IRC, and even on
telephone) with some prospective students and they have excellent
proposals. I will leave the option to make their proposals public to
them, with some encouragement to the effect of "it's open source

We want to attract many excellent proposals, and so, I request anyone
else who is interested in mentoring, or who has ideas, to put them up
on this page:

If you have an idea, that you are willing to mentor, go ahead and put
your own name as 'mentor'. If you have an idea that you want someone
else to mentor, please discuss it on this mailing list.

Also, I invite comments on the deep-sky handling idea. I'm certainly
not the best programmer on this list and feedback would definitely


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