[Kstars-devel] http://edu.kde.org/kstars/svn.php

Burkhard Lück lueck at hube-lueck.de
Tue Jul 26 16:05:36 UTC 2011


attached some patches for the webpage svn.php with changes from svn->git, 
trunk->master etc but I did not touch the most important bug.

This page is afaik only referenced from the documentation faq.docbook + 
install.docbook, but apparently not reachable from the kstars page on 

svn.php has this recipe to build kstars:
$ cs # cs is not a typo.
$ cd KDE/
$ svn up --depth files kdeedu
$ cd kdeedu
$ svn up cmake data doc libkdeedu kstars # Some of these are superfluous as 
# Install eigen2 and opengl, using your distribution specific tools
$ cmakekde

This recipe does not work because:
1) You need to have installed  
http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/Environment#.bashrc first for 
cmakekde command, but that is not said here
"svn up" is no proper command to checkout the sources.

So either this should be removed completely and replaced with a link to 
techbase or written like http://kate-editor.org/get-it/ with instruction 
specific only for kstars.

I'd prefer to have a recipe to build kstars in kstars/svn.php, pointing people 
to techbase with this many informations will probably only confuse them and 
prevent them building kstars from sources.

Burkhard Lück
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