[Kstars-devel] Re: Getting Started

Alexey Khudyakov alexey.skladnoy at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 19:30:46 CEST 2011

On 01.04.2011 23:15, Laudis Radium wrote:
> Hi Alexey,
> I downloaded all the packages you mentioned. But I haven't yet figured
> out how to view the source code. I will be thankful if you can guide me
> or provide links for this.


Generally it's recommended to create separate user to develop KDE. It's 
needed to avoid possible corruption of your configuration and to be able 
to delete said profile without losing anything of value. You said that 
you going to use linux only to develop kstars so it's non-issue. Just to 
let you know.

First of all you need to get sources. Kstars switched to git yesterday 
and it IMHO will make some thing easier in some respect. Links below 
contain some information on git in general and kde-specific things.

To configure git you can use config below. Important parts are [user] 
and [url...]. After that sources could be fetched by following command:

# 1. Create directory
$ git clone kde:kstars ~/kstars

Sources will be localed in the ~/kstars directory

* http://community.kde.org/Sysadmin/GitKdeOrgManual
* http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Git

 >>> contents of ~/.gitconfig
	name = Your name
	email = Your e-mail
	ui = true
[mergetool "tool"]
	cmd = kdiff3

[url "git://anongit.kde.org/"]
	insteadOf = kde:
[url "git at git.kde.org:"]
	pushInsteadOf = kde:
<<< end of git config

Building is little more complicated. To set up environment append config 
at the end of mail to the end of ~/.bashrc (I assume that you use bash). 
Open a new terminal emulator (It's required so changes will make effect).

# 1. Create build directory
$ mkdir ~/build
$ cd ~/build
# 2. Configure kstars. It may fail for some reason
$ kde-cmake ~/kstars
# 3. If configuration was  succesfful
$ make install
# 4. After that kstars could be launched by typing.
$ $KDEDIR/bin/kstars

Please note that kstars will launch kstars installed from packages.

If you encounter some difficulties feel free to ask.

> I also installed kstars v1.6.0
> For starters, I observed that all the globular clusters show the
> magnitude as 99.9
> 1. How can I report this bug? (Also how can I see whether it has already
> been reported/fixed or not).

Bugs could (and should!) be reported to bugs.kde.org

> 2. How can I correct the bug?
It's difficult question. Usually answering such question almost equal to 
fixing bug (-:

P.S. KDE techbase contain a lot of kde-related information.

Paste code below into ~/.bashrc

export KDEDIR=$HOME/kde
export KDEHOME=$HOME/.kde4
export KDETMP=/tmp/kde4-$USER
mkdir -p $KDETMP

export PATH=$PATH:$KDEDIR/bin

# you might want to change these:
export KDE_BUILD=$HOME/kde/build
export KDE_SRC=$HOME/svn

# make the debug output prettier

# Invoke cmake with required parameters
kde-cmake() {
     cmake "$@" \
         -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull   \

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