[Kstars-devel] branches/kstars/carbonix/kstars

Victor Carbune victor.carbune at gmail.com
Sat Jun 19 17:12:57 CEST 2010

> By the way is there a list of requirements for database for both
> deep-sky object and stars? I don't think it's possible to come up with
> decent design without knowing _what_ we want.
No. There's no such requirement. In fact, I have not mentioned
anything about stars yet since these are two separate points regarding
my work. The database improvement is mostly for deep sky objects.
Regarding the star loading, I have in mind the use of stxxl boost
library and/or pthreads. But let's stick right now to the deepsky db
and finish it, and I'll open a new thread for the stars catalogues.

> This is not list of requirements rather some vague points.
The _main_ and the most important thing that needs to be accomplished
is, from my point of view, supporting multiple catalog entries for the
same object. This is the first reason why we use a database.

>  * Database is read-only. We are not going to write anything to it.
> Addition of other catalog is different. This fact should be exploited.
>  * We need bulk selects for drawing objects on a map.
Please detail a bit this point (as it's not very clear).

>  * "One size doesn't fit all". Each catalog have different kinds of
> fields in it.

Are the database fields so different that we need different catalogs
for each deepskyobject catalog?
If we do this, then we won't have the advantage on identifying
multiple sources of the same object.

The only fields present right now, and apply only to galaxies, are
minor / major axis.
The other ones are needed by all the catalogs. Right now there are
five catalogs, and things work really smooth.


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