[Kstars-devel] Refined patch for wishlist 178232: List all objects within a rectangle

Khudyakov Alexey alexey.skladnoy at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 23:35:07 CET 2010

В сообщении от 30 января 2010 00:48:17 Abhijit Apte написал:
> Hi All,
> Aside to Alexey:
> In its current form DetailDialog could not incorporate such functionality.
> > It
> > should be redesigned. In my opinion it should be redesigned anyway for
> > two reasons:
> >
> I agree it should be redesigned by having the frequently used information
> in one page and the rest in other tabs.
> > 1. To allow to choose from all objects in some radius.
> >
> > 2. Two tabbed design isn't good. Magnitude is one tab coordinates are on
> > another. Not good at all.
> >
>  However for multiple objects: I'd still suggest to have the list view
>  itself, it's quite nice to list all the objects in tabular fashion (with
>  all the details -- RA, Declination, Magnitude, Type of object etc in one
>  single dialog). The reason why I'm saying this is it'll be useful for
>  astronomers who actually want to focus on finding what all interesting
>  could they find in a region of the sky. We can add one more column in the
>  table which provides a link to more info or something which would then
>  take to DetailDialog for each object.
I completely  with you that list view is nice and useful. Indeed in should be 
implemented. My point is that detail dialog should operate on set of objects 
not just one. Consider two object 

I think details dialog should have two modes: details mode where all 
informations about selected object is shown and overview mode where list of 
all objects is shown. In other words your list dialogs 

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