[Kstars-devel] Re: Printing Observing Plan

DancesWithWords lists at faintfuzzies.ca
Fri Dec 10 17:22:44 CET 2010

On December 10, 2010 03:10:24 am Akarsh Simha wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 06, 2010 at 01:41:14PM -0500, DancesWithWords wrote:
> > Has anyone yet requested have the possibility of print the observing
> > plan?  In a format suitable for use in the field?  Like what Skytools
> > does?
> Well, I don't think anyone has requested that yet. Please feel free to
> add a wishlist bug on https://bugs.kde.org
> Hopefully, I'll be able to spend some time this winter trying to
> attend to KStars, but please feel free to nag me till I get this done
> :D.
> Also, some description on how Skytools does this would help.
> Regards
> Akarsh

I don't have any of the programs (as I'm a Linux only guy and don't have 
access to commercial Windows based programs)  that create object per page 
observing sheets, so I've put out a call to a couple of  astronomy clubs that 
I belong to to send me PDF or screen captures from the most popular programs 
that do this.  I'll forward them to you as they come in.

Interestingly, Kstars does much of what I would want in a field sheet printout.  
telescope used, eye pieces being used, a place to note sky and weather 
conditions.  Your field sheet would be one object per sheet with 1 to 3 star 
field images included.  i.e. the first image field would be a wide stars field 
view of the objects location.  The second is usual the size of your specified 
finders field view and the third image is base on the size of field view of the 
proposed eye piece you plan to view the object with.

Why would some need such a sheet:  Well there are a lots of visual observers 
who don't have or choice not use goto scopes and don't take laptops or 
computers into the field.  For those individuals an observing plan that can be 
printed out makes great sense.  This especially true if it is based on the 
program you actually use on a regular basis.

Normally I've written my notes on whatever is handy,  After more than 6 years 
of this I've decided it is a very bad idea.  Since you have including the 
planning part in Ktars I've been try to find all those note and input them into 
Kstars.  Not fun.


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