[Kstars-devel] Binary File Data and Associated Tools

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at gmail.com
Thu May 29 08:13:24 CEST 2008


Based on inputs from James, I created binary star data for
KStars. Please find the binary star data and associated tools to make
sense out of the binary files in the .tar.bz2 archive available here:


The archive extracts a directory called binary/ that has the following

* allstars.sql - SQL dump of table used to create the binary files

* mysql2bin, mysql2bin.c - Program to convert data stored in the MySQL
  DB into binary files

* binfiletester.c, binfiletester - Program to verify and read out data
  stored in the binary files

* README.fileformat - a very short, incomplete and outdated summary
  describing the file format. [Does not describe the trixel indexes

* names.bin - Please ignore this file. Accidentally got into the
  archive and I'm lazy to remove it [Only 64KB] :)

* namefile.bin - Binary file containing name data associated with

* namedstars.bin - Binary data for named stars

* unnamedstars.bin - Binary data for unnamed stars

* datatomysql.pl - Perl script to put data stored in stars.dat into
  the MySQL database. You will need to modify the username and
  password inside the perl script to correspond to your server.


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